IJOPM features research poster of former UPLB IE department chair and Filipino IE colleague, Dr. Layaoen

Dr. Haerold Dean Z. Layaoen, a Filipino IE colleague and former chairperson of the UPLB Department of Industrial Engineering, is featured in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM), a Scimago Q1, ABDC A, and ABS-AJG 4-ranked journal. As we gear towards sustainable operations, we start with the essential linkages, particularly logistics. Check out the link below curated by Dr. Haerold Dean Layaoen to walk us through an in depth dive to attain sustainability. You can find a reference to his work at the URL below:


To access the paper: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJOPM-12-2021-0799/full/html

If you would like to view the copy of the article, please email the corresponding author at [email protected]

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